
1st April 2021
Our Y6 children have had a great few days completing Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability with the Cycle Partnership.
They have learnt an array of skills and build confidence needed to ride on local roads. Some of the skills the children have developed are: 

- Completing an on-road journey whilst understanding where to ride on the roads being used

- Being aware of potential hazards

- Understanding how and when to signal intention to other road users

- Passing parked or slower moving vehicles and side-roads

- How to negotiate a T-junction from every direction as well as performing a U-turn

- Demonstrate decision-making and understanding of safe riding strategies and a basic understanding of the Highway Code


The childrens behaviour whilst taking part in the sessions has been fantastic; they have been engaged in each session and they have done an amazing job representing the school whilst in the local area. It hasn't gone unnoticed- we have also had lovely feedback from local residents  who have contacted us to let us know how its been a pleasure to see the children  engaging in the bikeability sessions and their wonderful behaviour.


Well done Y6!