School Ethos

Think for yourself,
care for others.

Our Values








Outdoors learning




Mission Statement

 At Beechwood Primary School, each child’s education, wellbeing, health and happiness is at the core of a partnership between teachers, support staff, parents/carers and the child.

We prepare children for life; equipping them to be thoughtful citizens, life-long independent thinkers and learners who can confidently face the challenges of the dynamic world.

High standards will be achieved in an atmosphere of friendly co-operation in which each individual is valued.

Our Aims

At Beechwood Primary School we aim to:

  • Develop the children’s desire for life-long learning.

  • Work collaboratively.

  • Embrace outdoor learning opportunities.

  • Develop a hollistic child.

  • Enhance the health and wellbeing of all members of the school community.

  •  Ensure that the children are confident with life’s challenges.

  • Encourage the children to achieve individual potential and beyond by creating an inclusive environment where all can thrive and excel.

  • Always strive to raise standards.

  • Promote an empathetic understanding of others