
Maths No Problem!
In 2016, Beechwood adopted the 'Maths No Problem' approach for maths for years 1 to 6. 

The Maths — No Problem! Primary Maths Series has been created using the principles of Singapore mathematics and is fully aligned to the 2014 English national curriculum. The Programme provides all the elements that teachers need to teach maths for mastery with confidence. In 2021, we moved on to the New Edition of Maths-No Problem! which has been updated to allow for further challenge and support for pupils.

Number a Week

In Early years, we work towards the expectations of Development Matters. We recognise the importance of children mastering each stage before moving in. It is because of this that we follow 'a number of the week' approach to maths. The children will focus on a specific number at a time (up to 10) and explore this number in different ways such as exploring different representations of that number, addition facts, subitising and ordering numbers. The children work on their understanding of shape, space and measure. In early years, maths activities are carried out through a mix of teacher led activities and child led tasks in continuous provision. 

NCETM Mastering Number

On top of our mastery curriculum, we also follow NCETM's mastering number programme for years Reception, year 1, year 2, year 4 and year 5. Mastering Number provides daily, short burst activities that support children's basic understanding of number. 

In EYFS and KS1, the project secures pupil's number sense and develops their fluency in calculation. 

In KS2, it enables pupils to develop their fluency of multiplication and division facts. 

There is not yet a project for years 3 and 6 however we are working towards teachers in these year groups using the same principles to develop the maths fluency in these year groups. 

Maths Monsters

Throughout school, all pupils also enjoy participating in Maths Monsters. These are short quizzes which we do regularly in class to test pupils' understanding of number bonds and addition facts in EYFS and KS1 and multiplication facts in KS2. Each half term, we hold a Maths Monsters assembly where pupils' are able to earn badges when they have mastered a certain set.